
Battle Of Britain Display by Nicole Hains

To celebrate 75 years since the allies triumphed in the battle of Britain, Hurricanes, Spitfires and the last remaining Blenheim took to the sky and moved into formation for the routes around South East England.   

Mary Ellis

Yesterday I had the pleasure of meeting Mary Ellis, 98 years old and still flying! Mary was a pilot in the war and learnt to fly over 76 types of aircraft including Spitfires and Hurricanes. She personally delivered over 400 spitfires alone!

These days it could be taken for granted the assistance given in flying; for Mary Ellis she would take flight without so much as a radio or map! Only being given a compass and the instruction to fly northbound as a protection measure for the rest of the fleet and aircraft base in case enemy forces captured her.

Hearing this story and many others told by the veterans was incredibly moving and I was incredibly privileged to have witnessed this spectacular event. 

Taking to the Skies in a 'no door' Piper Cub by Nicole Hains

On a beautifully sunny day this week I got the pleasure to go up and photographed Goodwood's Piper cub. With the window 'securely' taped open, I proceeded to hang out of a Cessna window clutching onto my camera for dear life. I had so much fun and the views where so spectacular I didn't want to land; It is official I love flying!